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Spring has Sprung

That is right. There is finally some green in MN. It snowed a little bit last week but now it's starting to warm up. Since we only get about 5 months of green here I relish it as much as I can.

So my lovely mother is out of town so I thought I would give her a little update on how things have been going with just having me and my dad at home. So here is a list of things I have learned while my mom has been gone.

1. Laundry doesn't wash itself. As fun as it sounds to jump into a big tub of swirling water for some reason I can't convince my clothes to get in the washing machine. And consequently I spent most of the week last week scrounging for the last of my clean clothes until finally I gave in and did a load of laundry. I'm also pretty sure that some of my laundry got lost in the transition because now I can't find some of my favorite clothing items.

2. Su messy casa es mi messy casa. My dad and I have been faithfully trying (but usually failing) to keep our house clean, it's funny the kinds of messes two people can make... Sort of.

3. Plants enjoy water, it helps them not die.

4. It's always nice to have your breakfast ready for you in the morning. I'm usually late in the morning and my mom always has a lunch ready for my along with something for me to eat for breakfast. Needless to say my lateness has greatly increased this week.

5. Grocery shopping is fun until you realize your really bad at it. I love(d) grocery shopping, it makes me feel cool ( I know I'm a loser) so I faithfully put myself in charge of it. I made a list, checked it twice, and still when I got home I had too much of one thing and none of the other. I ended up going to the grocery store about 4 times.

6 .Giving up and having your dad go to the grocery store does not solve anything. One day I asked my dad to go to the grocery store and pick up 1 carrot 1 onion and some milk and this is what he came home with...

That would be 11 boxes of frosted mini wheats. Now I would also like to point out that there was another box in the cereal cupboard, one at my dad's office, and one that he ate the night he bought it. So all together 14 boxes. Apparently they were 7 cents an ounce instead of 20 and he could not pass up the deal. I guess they will make a nice addition to our food storage. At least he remembered the milk.

I'm sure your all thinking that I am an extremely spoiled child, which is probably true. But the two most important things I've learned this week are one that I'm pretty much going to die next year at college, but more importantly that my mother is an amazing woman and she works very hard for our family and I am very grateful for that.

By the way mom in case you were wondering some of your flowers showed up while you were gone. They're beautiful.


  1. I laughed hard, for a really long time. I'm glad you're my sister. Mom's are great. Love Nicole

  2. So your brother was showing you off to us (BIG TIME) and I noticed your quiltingness which reminded me Oh-So-Much of my own dear sweet sister in law. You see, she has a quilting blog, and because of it, is being featured this week on Design Mom (a super popular mom blog) where she reveals her past as a "closet quilter" based on the same reservations you voiced. You should check it out, m'dear.
    Amy's is and the link to her stuff on design mom is available there. Yay for quilting!

  3. This is Catherine's Dad. I would say in my defense:

    1) I was *forbidden* by my daughter to do her laundry. I offered. I had clean laundry all week.

    2) My room was every bit as messy as Catherine's and the computer room = disaster. But, I did clean the kitchen and do the dishes every day, and kept the living room clean. I even got the computer room clean enough for visitors one day.

    3) Catherine did cooking. She loved to cook. I did the dishes every time. I cooked (grilled) twice.

    4) I brought home the carrots AND the onions AND the milk. And the many boxes of mini-wheats because they were a steal!


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