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Showing posts from June, 2009

(insert cheesy graduation quote here)

For my graduation present this year my parents suprised me with a new camera. They gave it to me a week or two early so I could take some pictures of my last days of high school and i never turn down a challenge, so here it goes, i have alot more pictures but that would get boring and old so this, my friends, is a run down of my last 2 weeks as a high school senior. It all started out when the seniors got done with class and finals a week early. We were determined to celebrate while every one else still had to go to school. We started off with a giant water balloon fight. Me Trevor Cameron and Matt (top row) all secretly stole water balloons to explode on people before the picture. I forgot that Ian (middle row far right) has muscles and knows how to punch people, don't worry, I'm a fast runner :) We let em off easy the second time. Here's all my pals (well not all of em, most of em) We had a BBQ/yearbook signing/volleyball game. Ian and Matt made some dang good burgers. M