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Ya, You Betcha

My family is spread pretty far apart, I currently have 2 brothers in Utah 1 brother and a sister in law in Ohio, 1 brother in DC, and my parents who live in Minnesota. It's pretty rare to have the whole family home, except at Christmas, but as luck would have it, our whole family came home for one reason or another and we got to spend 3 wonderful days up north together at beautiful lake superior.

I love Minnesota for so many reasons, one of my favorite things about the land of lakes, is the lakes! My family and I stayed in a little summer home that was right on lake superior. We ate delicious food, went hiking, canoeing, ate at sven and oles pizza and explored some of the sites that surround the lake. The Lake Superior area, or Up North as we call it, is one of my favorite places.

Most people don't realize that the moose chair was invented in Minnesota.

Split Rock Lighthouse

Me and my brother.

Christian beat Nathan in the how long can you stand in Lake superior contest, which unfortunately is a contest where no one really wins.

This is me and my sister in law nicole in front of split rock.

Again I only wish i had taken more pictures, You'd think i woulda learned from my trip to Virginia. Anyways, I say goodbye to my favorite home state this week as I head off to college, and although I'm super excited, i will always miss good old uffda Minnisooda.


  1. Hey Catherine! I ran across your blog from a link on Elise's!! I have LOVED reading through the last few posts! You are a great and very entertaining writer! Keep up the blogging while you are away at school, and I'll keep reading! Best of luck; you will LOVE the Y!

  2. Oh it was such a fun weekend. I didn't know MN was so entertaining. I miss it now. I wish we could always live in a cabin by Lake Superior together and eat pie and swing from branches or something. Good luck this week!!

  3. Well now we know which brother you like least. :)

  4. Yeah i was sad when i realized i didnt have any pictures of eric up there! He and i were the dream team when it came to competetive canoeing! :) But I did dedicate half of my last blog post to our super fun weekend together. Hopefully that will make up for it... At least a little. :/

  5. Minnesota's going to miss you! Good luck tomorrow and live it up!


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