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The past couple weeks have been crazy. Last week we had a 3 day school week thanks to two wonderful cold days. This week we have a 3 day school week due to those wonderful things called finals. Yes my friends today was my first day of finals. Of course our school was blessed with a five day weekend to prepare and study for our finals, and of course, i left it till the last minute so naturally i went to bed at 2 am last night/this morning about ready to declare myself permanantly at war with Mitosis, Glycolysis, Hydrolysis, and anything else that ends with -sis.

So what did I do with all those days of freedom if i wasm't diligently studying? Well, the answer is simple:

I did nothing.

And of course by nothing I mean I spent hours on facebook, youtube, blogs, watching movies and trying to work up the motivation to do something that wouldnt be a complete waste of time (this plan failed miserably). Now that you all think I am lazy, there are some wonderful things I did do this weekend.
- I saw Benjamin Button with some very good pals.
- My friend Ashley and I made a cheesy quote project thing for my Humanities class
-My mom and I went shopping for fabric, she's letting me make another quilt!
- I went to a hockey game
- And my personal favorite: the stake dance where they played Single Ladies by Beyonce and i got to hang out with my super hip friend katie!

Because of the cold days they crammed the finals into two days and you know what they say "4 finals a day keeps the social life away." And so with the joys of the weekend over I hopped to it and began my treck of finals cramming with a bowl of my favorite finals study food:pretzels and chocolate chips and studied from dawn till dusk...sort of.

I'm still alive after 1 day of finals, but I'm plenty exausted. And now i need to get back to studying. Have a wonderful week!


  1. Good luck studying! I forgot how stressful it is when you're the one taking the test. It's actually pretty stressful when you're the one giving the test too, at least in my case. No fun for anyone. Love you Catherine!

  2. You forgot to mention your favorite part of the stake dance. I'm surprised you could forget such an important moment in your life so easily. Did it mean nothing to you?


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